Speech and Debate

The Middle School is pleased to announce a new class for 7th graders, Speech & Debate, taught by Mr. Josh Duelm. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to become better communicators.  Students have the opportunity to strengthen their interpersonal, small group, and public speaking skills. In addition, debaters are challenged to grow by trying new things and taking risks in a comfortable environment. The course is designed to be very hands-on and deliver practical skills that will help them succeed on their Passion Project 20 minute presentation, in 8th Grade Model United Nations, and throughout life!

Highlights of the class include: exploring classical argumentation construction, learning symbolic logic, studying the history of philosophers and rhetoric, using negotiating strategies, and honing interviewing skills. In addition, students will participate in three main types of debate:  Student Congress, Lincoln-Douglas value debate, and Cross-Examination policy debate.

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